Ce theme regroupe les limites des Concessions Forestieres sous
Amenagement Durable (CFAD), et les limites des permis sous Convention
Provisoire d'Amenagement, d'Exploitation et de Transformation (CPAET),
qui est le stade temporaire/transitoire avant de passer a l'etape
definitive des CPAET. Les donnees sources utilisees pour produire cette
couche SIG proviennent du Service de cartographie de la Direction
Generale des Eaux et Forets (DGEF). Des ameliorations ont ete apportees
dans l'objectif de production de la version pilote de l'atlas forestier
interactif du Gabon, et pour cela, plusieurs sources ont ete utilisees :
arretes de description des limites, plans d'amenagement, fichiers de
certains operateurs, couches hydrographiques et images SRTM.
This dataset show the boundaries of Forest Plots under management
(CFAD), and the boundaries of permits under the Management Provisory
Concention for Exploitation and Transformation (CPAET), which is the
transitional stage before passing the definitive stages of CPAET. The
source data used to produce this dataset were provided by the Service of
Cartography of the General Director of Water and Forests (DGEF). The
improvement were carried out with the objective of producing a pilot
version of the Interactive Forest Atlas of Gabon, and for this, several
sources were used: boundary descriptions, management plans, data from
certain operators, hydrographic data and SRTM images.