Count of Fish Species per 8-digit HUC in TX, OK, and LA

Sep 30, 2013 (Last modified Jan 8, 2014)
Uploaded by Emily Granstaff
Using NatureServe's Digital Distribution Maps of Freshwater Fishes of the Conterminous United States, Version 3.0, a count of species per 8-digit Hydrologic Unit Code was summarized.  Natural breaks were used to symbolize the layer.

Data Provided By:
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service, National Cartography and Geospatial Center.
Content date:
NatureServe. 2010. Digital Distribution Maps of the Freshwater Fishes in the Conterminous United States. Version 3.0. Arlington, VA. U.S.A.
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Use Constraints:
The distributor shall not be held liable for improper or incorrect use of this data, based on the description of appropriate/inappropriate uses described in this metadata document. It is strongly recommended that this data is directly acquired from the distributor and not indirectly through other sources which may have changed the data in some way. These data should not be used at scales greater than 1:24,000 for the purpose of identifying hydrographic watershed boundary feature locations in the U.S.A. The NRCS should be acknowledged as the data source in products derived from these data. The Watershed Boundary Dataset is public information and may be interpreted by all organizations, agencies, units of government, or others based on needs; however, they are responsible for the appropriate application of the data. Federal, State, or local regulatory bodies are not to reassign to the Natural Resources Conservation Service any authority for the decisions they make. The Natural Resources Conservation Service will not perform any evaluations of these maps or purposes related solely to State or local regulatory programs. Photographic or digital enlargement of these maps to scales greater than that at which they were originally delineated can result in misrepresentation of the data. If enlarged, the maps will not include the fine detail that would be appropriate for mapping at the small scale. Digital data files are periodically updated. Files are dated, and users are responsible for obtaining the latest version of the data from the source distributor.
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FGDC Standard Metadata XML
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Downloaded by 5 Members
Bookmarked by 2 Members , 1 Group
Included in 4 Public Maps , 1 Private Map
Included in 1 Public Gallery

About the Uploader

Emily Granstaff
SARP Cartographer with SARP/USFWS

I work with the Southeast Aquatic Resources Partnership to support the development of regional aquatic habitat assessments and restoration projects in the Southeastern US.