Oregon's Historic Vegetation (1938) - reclassified to functional type

Sep 20, 2010
This is a map of historical presettlement vegetation for the state of Oregon, created with Arcview 3.2 by merging digital data from different sources: H. J. Andrews, General Land Office (GLO), Soil Survey Geographic (SSURGO), BLM, Oregon Gap analysis. The H. J. Andrews map forms the background into which more detailed coverages were incorporated. The data consist of an ArcView shapefile. Scale varies throughout the coverage, depending on the source of the data; the overall scale is 1:100,000.

The vegetation types (species) were reclassified to functional vegetation types based on Kuchler's 1975 vegetation data, as modified by Brendan Rogers. Reclassification was executed by Jeremiah Osborne-Gowey of the Conservation Biology Institute.
Data Provided By:
Claudine Tobalske (OR Natural heritage Program), Jeremiah Osborne-Gowey (CBI)
Content date:
Title: Oregon's Historic Vegetation (1938) - reclassified to functional type
Credits: Claudine Tobalske (OR Natural heritage Program), Jeremiah Osborne-Gowey (CBI)
Publication Date: June 2002
Online Linkages: Other Citation Info: Source Scale 1:100000
Contact Organization:
Oregon Natural Heritage Program
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FGDC Standard Metadata XML
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Downloaded by 18 Members
Bookmarked by 3 Members , 6 Groups
Included in 1 Public Map , 8 Private Maps

About the Uploader

Jeremiah Osborne-Gowey
Aquatic/Landscape Ecologist with Conservation Biology Institute

Jeremiah Osborne-Gowey is an aquatic/landscape ecologist with more than 15 years of Federal, State, and educational natural resource experience. His experience includes aquatic and terrestrial species habitat survey and inventory, invasive-species monitoring, natural resource impact analyses, public...