Mt. Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest

Aug 17, 2014
Uploaded by George Wooten
Mt. Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest
Data Provided By:
USDA Forest Service - Automated Lands Program (ALP)
Content date:
Contact Organization:
USDA Forest Service Automated Lands Program (ALP)
Contact Person(s):
not specified
Use Constraints:
The Forest Service uses the most current and complete data available. GIS data and product accuracy may vary. They may be developed from sources of differing accuracy; accurate only at certain scales; based on modeling or interpretation; incomplete while being created or revised; etc. Using GIS products for purposes other than those for which they were created, may yield inaccurate or misleading results. The Forest Service reserves the right to correct, update, modify or replace GIS products without notification.
Layer Type:
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FGDC Standard Metadata XML
Click here to see the full FGDC XML file that was created in Data Basin for this layer.
Original Metadata XML
Click here to see the full XML file that was originally uploaded with this layer.
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Dataset Type:
Layer Package
Downloaded by 6 Members
Included in 1 Public Map

About the Uploader

George Wooten
Biogeographer with Wenatchee Valley College

I am a botanist and microbiologist. Other completed project reports can be downloaded at