Conservation and Adaptation in British Columbia: Strategic Opportunities in a Climate Changing World

Jul 11, 2014 (Last modified Sep 9, 2014)
Created by Gregory Kehm
Conservation and Adaptation in British Columbia: Strategic Opportunities in a Climate Changing World
Featured by Tosha Comendant


The primary purpose of this group is to disseminate the spatial data from a report by Rachel Holt and Gregory Kehm titled "Conservation and Adaptation in British Columbia: Strategic Opportunities in a Climate Changing World".

This report aims to examine some of the largest questions facing the natural environment in B.C. We examine how the ecological values of this province vary and at how the current human footprint overlays across ecological values. We also look at potential climate change futures, and how climate may alter the ecosystems that exist here today. Finally, we look at carbon conservation, undertaking the first steps to understand the great stores of carbon we have in B.C..

Each of these pieces provide insight into possible options for the province moving forward. Understanding patterns of development today, in combination with future pressures, provide key information to guide conservation and land management decision making, and to help identify opportunities for B.C. to contribute to global mitigation of climate change through carbon management. 

This project both creates a solid foundation for setting strategic direction for land management, and identifies where additional work is needed to support tactical decisions regarding conservation needs for British Columbia. Please refer to both the full report and technical methods appendix for detailed descriptions, methods and limitations of use for this layer.

Thank you to the Wilburforce Foundation and TIDES Canada Foundation for providing project funding.

Image: royalty free image from 

20 members working with:
6 Datasets

Group Members (20)