includes 2013 habitat assessment polygons in Rancho Jamul Ecological Reserve, San Diego County,
CA that meet biotic and abiotic requirements to support native grasslands and thus,
constitute existing or potential native grasslands habitat. This dataset displays habitat assessment polygons which meet Tier 1 habitat requirements.
Detailed habitat assessments were
conducted by CBI, TNC, and SDSU within the four designated South County grassland
management planning units (Rancho Jamul Ecological Reserve, Sweetwater
Reservoir, Sycamore Canyon, and Proctor Valley) to document existing habitat
conditions and determine habitat suitability for target species and
habitats. Habitat assessment data were also
used to (1) identify suitable resource-specific restoration activities within
each of the four planning areas and (2) develop site- and resource-specific Phase
II experimental restoration plans.
Habitat assessments are qualitative
in nature and are used to assess large acreages in a standard and relatively
efficient manner. The habitat assessment
process functions as an initial filter for determining habitat suitability for
target resources; areas or polygons that are selected for the habitat
assessment process are assessed at increasingly finer scales through the
habitat query and experimental restoration processes.
All habitat assessment data will be
available to land managers through CBI’s Databasin website for future
restoration planning and implementation purposes, regardless of whether those
data were used in Phase II of this project.