This animation shows July's average hourly wind speed off the coast of California (for the time period 2007-2013).
These data were post-processed from point data for BOEM Aliquots to a gridded NetCDF file for time-series display. The monthly average was extracted and represented by the middle year for each time slice (e.g., July 1, 2010 00:00 represents an average for midnight, July 2007-2013).
Original Data Source:
The WIND Toolkit, which was developed by NREL, is an update and expansion of previously available wind datasets, and is intended to support the next generation of wind integration studies. The Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model version 3.4.1 was used to create an underlying meteorological dataset, using re-analysis weather data as inputs. The meteorological dataset has a spatial resolution of 2x2 km and 5 min temporal resolution. It covers 7 years (2007–2013) and is available for the outer continental shelf (OCS) over the contiguous 48 U.S. states. Unlike the hybrid dataset used on the initial Pacific geodatabase, the WIND Toolkit is a spatially and temporally consistent data set that is well suited to describe the wind resource off the US coast. It is freely available, and has the advantages of being reproducible, extendable geographically and in time, and its creation is fully documented.
The WIND Toolkit has been used by various research centers worldwide, within NREL, and by universities in multiple studies. A validation report is available for 6 onshore sites and 3 offshore sites (Draxl, Hodge, Clifton, 2015). A validation study and gaps analysis for the WIND Toolkit for offshore waters is planned by DOE in FY 2017.