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The American crocodile (Crocodylus acutus) ranges from southern Florida
through the Caribbean islands, and from Mexico through Central America
to Peru. It inhabits brackish and freshwater habitats, preferring
mangrove-lined coasts. In October 2002, Wildlife Conservation Society
and the University of Florida held a workshop in Gainesville, Florida to
establish the current range and conservation priorities for this
species. Thirty-nine experts from across the crocodile's range
contributed to this effort. This layer represents the areas where
American crocodile is currently known to occur, as determined by the
experts who attended the workshop.
Thorbjarnarson J., Mazzotti F., Sanderson E., Buitrago F., Lazcano M.,
Minkowski K., Muniz M., Ponce P., Sigler L., Soberon R., Trelancia A.M.,
Velasco A.. 2006. Regional habitat conservation priorities for the
American crocodile. Biological conservation 128 (2006) 25-36.
If used, please cite: Thorbjarnarson J., Mazzotti F., Sanderson E., Buitrago F., Lazcano M., Minkowski K., Muniz M., Ponce P., Sigler L., Soberon R., Trelancia A.M., Velasco A.. 2006. Regional habitat conservation priorities for the American crocodile. Biological conservation 128 (2006) 25-36.
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