This Priority Landscape (PL) prioritizes lands where communities
(people and associated infrastructure) are at risk from wildfire to
direct efforts at reducing wildfire risk in these areas.
The ranking varies from 1 (least risk) to 5 (greatest risk). Housing
density derived from FRAP's WUI layer is used to rank assets. Threat is
determined using California Fire Hazard Severity Zones .
The asset to be protected in this PL is communities, which are
defined by housing densities. Less dense areas receive lower value and
higher densities receive higher value. The classes of density are:
0 = No houses
1 = 0 - 0.05 housing unit per acre
2 = 0.051 - 0.200 housing unit per acre
3 = 0.201 - 1 housing unit per acre
4 = greater than 1 housing unit per acres
The threat to the communities is Fire Hazard Severity, derived from CAL FIRE's Fire Hazard Severity Zones. The zone ranking is:
1 = moderate severity
3 = high severity
5 = very high severity
Final Ranking:
The ranked asset and ranked threat were combined to derive the final
ranked priority landscape. The results were ranked from the lowest risk
of 1 to the highest risk of 5.