Wildlife Habitat Connectivity Value, Sacramento Valley and Foothills CA (Several Combinations, Climate-wise)

Apr 12, 2018 (Last modified Sep 24, 2021)
Dataset was reviewed in another manner
This is part of a connectivity modeling and mapping project for the Sacramento Valley that maps connectivity for several focal species, structural connectivity, and their combination. Other related data inputs and outputs are in the Sacramento Valley Gallery

The four layers here are the answer to the common request by stakeholders and decision-makers: a single, best estimate, connectivity map for the biodiversity of a region. T he "Top Values" layer is here primarily for easy visualization, but has small improvements needed for about 2% of the study area. If funds are provided, then the proposed improvements can be implemented. Currently, it is best to use the full coverage, "Combination of Combinations" dataset, for quantitative and decision-making purposes.

See the report for more details: Gallo, JA, J. Strittholt, G. Joseph, H. Rustigian-Romsos, R. Degagne, J. Brice, and A. Prisbrey. 2019. Mapping Habitat Connectivity Priority Areas that are Climate-wise and Multi-scale, for Three Regions of California. Conservation Biology Institute. March. https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.7477532

Connectivity maps for the other two regions are in the Project Gallery.

Please don't hesitate to contact us with any questions or comments.
Data Provided By:
John Gallo, Jim Strittholt, Rebecca Degagne, Annie Prisbrey, Justin Brice, Gladwin Joseph, Wayne Spencer, and Heather Rustigian-Romsos

Funded by: California Energy Commission and S.D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation
Content date:
not specified
Gallo, JA, J. Strittholt, G. Joseph, H. Rustigian-Romsos, R. Degagne, J. Brice, and A. Prisbrey.2019. Mapping Habitat Connectivity Priority Areas that are Climate-wise and Multi-scale,for Three Regions of California. Conservation Biology Institute. March. https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.7477532
Spatial Resolution:
270 (Meter)
Contact Organization:
not specified
Contact Person(s):
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Creative Commons LicenseThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
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FGDC Standard Metadata XML
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Downloaded by 9 Members
Bookmarked by 2 Members , 1 Group
Included in 5 Public Maps , 2 Private Maps
Included in 2 Public Galleries

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Conservation Biology Institute

We provide advanced conservation science, technology, and planning to empower our partners in solving the world’s critical ecological challenges