Moose Loop ATV System

Jul 26, 2013
Uploaded by Ben Godsoe
The Moose Loop is a 138 mile regional ATV trail in Northern Franklin County Maine. It connects the villages of Stratton-Eustis, Rangeley, Kingfield, Avon, Salem, Strong, Phillips, and Madrid.

The trail is designed as an ATV tour, which gets riders into each village's business district where they can buy meals, gas, and stay overnight. Along the Moose Loop, riders encounter scenic vistas, challenging terrain, and lots of wildlife viewing opportunities.

To find out more, please visit the website:
Data Provided By:
Ben Godsoe, Eric Copeland
Content date:
Existing trail route, 2013
Contact Organization:
not specified
Contact Person(s):
not specified
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Creative Commons LicenseThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 License.
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Downloaded by 6 Members
Bookmarked by 2 Members
Included in 4 Private Maps

About the Uploader

Ben Godsoe
Assistant Project Coordinator with High Peaks Alliance

I work with High Peaks Alliance to coordinate various summer projects. This year part of our work includes use of Data-basin online mapping to do outreach in the communities in Northern Franklin County Maine.