Suitable habitat for Mohave ground squirrel under the medium development impact scenario (including anthropogenic and renewable energy influences) was categorized into a binary representation of suitable and unsuitable habitat (using the 5th percentile of habitat suitability scores, 0.438, as the threshold) for all cells with MGS occurrences.
The USGS model is based on 440 input localities and analysis was conducted at a scale of 1 km (raster cell size = 1000 m). Eight environmental variables, broadly representing climate (e.g. airtemperature, precipitation and climatic water deficit), land surface characteristics (e.g. topographic position and surface roughness) and the physical properties of the land surface (e.g. surface texture and albedo), were used in the modeling process.
For USGS model specifics, please refer to the supporting document “Is there room for all of us? Renewable energy and Xerospermophilus mohavensis.", 2013.
USGS biologists recommended the following dataset be used for the Mojave ground squirrel habitat model for DRECP planning purposes: MGS Habitat_ MEDIUM scale factors _anthro and USRED
Based on examination of species observation data and consultation with USGS biologists, Conservation Biology Institute masked the USGS Mojave ground squirrel model output to the union of the MGS historic range (provided by P. Leitner) and the USFS ecoregion subsections overlapping the historic range, which contain MGS observations. This masking process excludes the Maxent predicted habitat at the southern end of the DRECP study area, which experts indicate should be omitted from the model output (i.e. much of ecoregion subsection 322An).