The California Natural Diversity Database (CNDDB) is a product of the California Department of Fish and Wildlife's Biogeographic Data Branch (BDB). The CNDDB is a computerized library of the status and locations of California's rare species and natural community types. The CNDDB includes in its data all federally and state listed plants and animals, all species that are candidates for listing, all species of special concern, and those species that are considered "sensitive" by government agencies and the conservation community.
The CNDDB is a dynamic system with information continually being added and upgraded. The CNDDB contains over 71,000 locational records for over 2,500 elements (plant taxa, animal taxa, and natural communities). A location record is referred to as an Element Occurrence (EO), and is a site that contains an individual, population, nest site, den, or stand of a special status element. Populations, individuals, or colonies located within 1/4 mile of each other generally constitute a single occurrence, sometimes with multiple parts.
This dataset is CNDDB version 03/2013. It is symbolized based on the CNDDB guidelines, as requested by the CA Dept. of Fish & Wildlife. This dataset is not available for download.
The DRECP has obtained special permission from the CA Dept. of Fish & Wildlife to display these data on public maps at scales smaller (more zoomed out) than 1:577,791. These data are not visible on maps zoomed in beyond this scale.
Disclaimer: These data are not a complete representation of all available species data. There may be additional occurrences or additional species within this area which have not yet been surveyed and/or mapped. Lack of information in the this dataset about a species or an area can never be used as proof that no special status species occur in an area.