Texas Gridded Soil Survey Geographic (gSSURGO)

Aug 11, 2016 (Last modified Nov 13, 2018)
Uploaded by Matt Snider
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This dataset is a digital soil survey and generally is the most detailed level of soil geographic data developed by the National Cooperative Soil Survey. The information was prepared by digitizing maps, by compiling information onto a planimetric correct base and digitizing, or by revising digitized maps using remotely sensed and other information. This dataset consists of georeferenced digital map data and computerized attribute data. The map data are in a soil survey area extent format and include a detailed, field verified inventory of soils and miscellaneous areas that normally occur in a repeatable pattern on the landscape and that can be cartographically shown at the scale mapped. The soil map units are linked to attributes in the National Soil Information System (NASIS) relational database, which gives the proportionate extent of the component soils and their properties.During the third week of January 2014, all available SSURGO data were downloaded from Web Soil Survey to a local cache. As part of the download process, the tabular data for each survey were imported into individual SSURGO template databases (MS Access format) using a custom set of 'SSURGO Download Tools' for ArcGIS 10.1. For each state or territory, intersecting SSURGO datasets were identified using the 'laoverlap' table (Legend Area Overlap). The selected datasets were merged and converted from shapefile and MS Access tables into a single ESRI file geodatabase for that state or territory. The data were not clipped to a state boundary, thus in some instances feature classes may extend beyond a state's boundary. All datasets were projected from the original Geographic WGS 1984 coordinate system to the appropriate Albers Equal Area Conic coordinate system. Relationship classes between tables and feature classes were created in the geodatabase.A 10 meter file geodatabase raster layer was created by converting the 'MUPOLYGON' feature class from feature to raster using 'FeatureToRaster' which is a cell-center-based method in ArcGIS 10.1. Where available, the raster layer was aligned to the USGS NLCD raster. Pyramids and a raster attribute table were created. A single attribute 'MUKEY' was added to the raster attribute table to facilitate joins with the attribute data.
Data Provided By:
Soil Survey Staff. Gridded Soil Survey Geographic (gSSURGO) Database for State name. United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service. Available online at https://gdg.sc.egov.usda.gov/. January, 20, 2016 (FY16 official release).
Data Hosted by:
ScienceBase (USGS) View Record
Map Service URL:
Content date:
2014-01-15 (Publication Date), 2014-01-15 (Start Date), 2014-01-15 (End Date)
20140115, Texas Gridded Soil Survey Geographic (gSSURGO): .
Contact Organization:
Contact Person(s):
Use Constraints:
The gridded SSURGO (gSSURGO) dataset was created for use in national, regional, and statewide resource planning and analysis of soils data. The raster map layer data can be readily combined with other national, regional, and local raster layers, including the National Land Cover Database (NLCD), the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) Crop Data Layer (CDL), and the National Elevation Dataset (NED).
Layer Type:
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Spatial Resolution:
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Attribute Accuracy:
FGDC Standard Metadata XML
Click here to see the full FGDC XML file that was created in Data Basin for this layer.
Original Metadata XML
Click here to see the full XML file that was originally uploaded with this layer.
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Dataset Type:
External Map Service (ArcGIS)
Bookmarked by 1 Member , 4 Groups
Included in 2 Public Maps , 1 Private Map
Included in 1 Public Gallery
[{"url": "https://www.sciencebase.gov/catalog/file/get/57ac803ee4b0d18356755fa0", "title": "Download All Attached Files from ScienceBase"}, {"url": "https://www.sciencebase.gov/catalog/file/get/57ac803ee4b0d18356755fa0?f=__disk__9b%2F67%2F55%2F9b6755aed4152ffbe5266b0ed9711bd10a0352c3", "title": "Download Original Metadata"}, {"url": "https://gdg.sc.egov.usda.gov/", "title": "Download"}]

About the Uploader

Matt Snider
Cartographer with USFWS

Cartographer for the US Fish and Wildlife Service.