Resilient Sites

Sep 20, 2013
Uploaded by Alex Jospe
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This file contains the resilient sites for terrestrial resilience. There are 4 main classes of sites (sybmolize on class field):CLASS 1 - Priority Climate and Current Biodiversity Area: These 312 areas contain significant conservation features AND qualify as natural strongholds for biodiversity in the face of climate change. We recommend that strategies be implemented to prevent these places from degradation by development, fragmentation, or inappropriate management. CLASS 2 - Priority Climate Area: these areas qualify as natural strongholds for biodiversity but need further investigation to confirm that they have significant existing biological features such as rare species or exemplary natural communities. Of these areas, 213 have a small portion already confirmed and the other 323 are unconfirmed. 3. CLASS 3 (not included) Priority Biodiversity Area Only: these areas have significant biological features but do not qualify as a natural climate strongholds. They should be investigated further to confirm that the features within the areas can be conserved given a changing climate. Resilient Sites. All focal areas are composed of resilient sites (hexagons that scored above average for resiience with respect to its setting) but additionally there are single or paired resilient sites that are relatively isolated and not part of a larger focal areas. These are labeled as “Isolated Sites”CLASS 4 – Isolated Resilient Site: these areas scored above average for resilience but are relatively isolated without adjacent or other nearby resilient sites. They may be important places on the landscape but they should be investigated further to confirm that the features within the areas are extensive enough to ensure that they can be conserved given a changing climate. Additional information in the table include primary and secondary setting as well as percent confirmed by TNC portfolio.
Data Provided By:
The Nature Conservancy, Eastern Division, 2012. For More information contact:
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ScienceBase (USGS) View Record
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Content date:
not specified
The Nature Conservancy, Eastern Conservation Science. 2012. Focal Areas for Resilient Sites.  The Nature Conservancy Eastern Regional Office.  Boston, MA.
Contact Organization:
The Nature Conservancy
Contact Person(s):
not specified
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Creative Commons LicenseThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 License.
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Bookmarked by 1 Member , 2 Groups
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About the Uploader

Alex Jospe
Regional GIS Analyst with The Nature Conservancy

I just wrapped up my master's at the University of Massachusetts Amherst in Environmental Conservation under Keith Nislow, focusing on aquatic barrier prioritization from a multi-criteria perspective. I currently work with The Nature Conservancy's Eastern U.S. Division under Mark Anderson, on a...