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This layer package represents HUCs 4-12 that interact with the GCPOLCC Mapping the South’s Protected Forests of the Future's study area. The purpose of this data is to have a means by which to summarize data on a HUC level for cases where data providers were reluctant to share exact boundary lines. The original study area represents a merge of the GCPO, SA, Appalachian, and Peninsular FL LCCs that has been extended slightly into Texas following the Forest Inventory Analysis forest cover types in order to capture the most heavily forested regions of the SE.
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Inherent in any data set used to develop graphical representations, are limitations of accuracy as determined by, among others, the source, scale and resolution of the data. While the USFWS makes every effort to represent the data as completely and accurately as possible (given existing time and resource constraints), the USFWS gives no warranty, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy, reliability, or completeness of these data. In addition, the USFWS shall not be held liable for improper or incorrect use of the data described and/or contained in. Graphical representations provided by the use of this data do not represent a legal description of any kind.
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