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This dataset shows integrated terrain units for a subregion of the
Kuparuk River Watershed in Alaska. The integrated terrain units are a
combination of geomorphology, geology, and vegetation complexes (all of
which are included as attributes). This dataset was created at a
1:25,000 scale.
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Content date:
not specified
Title: Kuparuk River Watershed (Alaska, USA) Integrated Terrain Unit Map Credits: D.A. Walker,INSTAAR Publication Date: 1995 Publisher: NSF Arctic System Science Program Other Citation Info: Citations included in original metadata record:
[1]Braun-Blanquet, J. 1932. Plant sociology: The study of
plant communities. New York: McGraw-Hill, 439 pp.
[2]Dangermond, J., and E. Harnden. 1990. Map data standardization: A
methodology for integrating thematic cartographic data before automation.
ARC News 12(2): 16-19.
[3]Everett, K.R., P.J. Webber, D.A. Walker, R.J. Parkinson, and J. Brown.
1978. A geoecological mapping scheme for Alaskan coastal tundra. Third
International Conference on Permafrost, 10-13 July 1978, Edmonton,
Alberta, Canada.
[4]Walker, D.A., K.R. Everett, P.J. Webber, and J. Brown. 1980.
Geobotanical atlas of the Prudhoe Bay region, Alaska. United States
Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory, CRREL Report #80,
Hanover, NH, 69 pp.
[5]Walker, M.D., D.A. Walker, N.A. Auerbach. 1994. Plant Communities
of a tussock tundra landscape in the Brooks Range Foothills, Alaska.
Journal of Vegetation Science 5: 843-866.
[6]Zonneveld, I.S. 1988. The ITC method of mapping natural and semi-
natural vegetation. Pp. 401-426 in Kuchler, A.W., and I.S. Zonneveld
(eds.). Vegetation mapping. Boston: Kluwer Academic.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 559 Nathan Abbott Way, Stanford, California 94305, USA.
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