- Description:
The State Geologic Map Compilation (SGMC) geodatabase of the conterminous United States (https://doi.org/10.5066/F7WH2N65) represents a seamless, spatial database of 48 State geologic maps that range from 1:50,000 to 1:1,000,000 scale. A national digital geologic map database is essential in interpreting other datasets that support numerous types of national-scale studies and assessments, such as those that provide geochemistry, remote sensing, or geophysical data. The SGMC is a compilation of the individual U.S. Geological Survey releases of the Preliminary Integrated Geologic Map Databases for the United States. The SGMC geodatabase also contains updated data for seven States and seven entirely new State geologic maps that have been added since the preliminary databases were published. Numerous errors have been corrected and enhancements added to the preliminary datasets using thorough quality assurance/quality control procedures. The SGMC is not a truly integrated geologic map database because geologic units have not been reconciled across State boundaries. However, the geologic data contained in each State geologic map have been standardized to allow spatial analyses of lithology, age, and stratigraphy at a national scale.
A full discussion of the procedures and methodology used to create this dataset, including appendixes of data dictionaries for attribute tables, are available in the accompanying report: Horton, J.D., San Juan, C.A., and Stoeser, D.B, 2017, The State Geologic Map Compilation (SGMC) geodatabase of the conterminous United States (ver. 1.1, August 2017): U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 1052, 46 p.,
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External Map Service
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About the Uploader
GBLCC CPA Administrator
Geospatial Data Specialist with Great Basin Landscape Conservation Cooperative
The Great Basin LCC works across five states in the southwestern United States, coordinating with diverse partners toward landscape-scale environmental and cultural conservation. Among other things, GBLCC's science program facilitates access to data for a variety of users. Through the GBLCC...