Myotis ciliolabrum (Small-footed myotis) Predictive Distribution

Oct 17, 2017
This shapefile contains model-generated predictions of the mean probability of nightly occurrence for each of 11 bat species within each 10 km x 10 km grid cell sample unit during summer, after accounting for imperfect detection, annual turnover, and environmental variation (covariates). Predictions ("preds") and prediction error are provided as attributes to each of the 4500 Bat Grid sample units (cells) included in the study region. In the attribute table there are 2 columns per species, predictions ("preds") and error. Species codes are constructed as the first two letters of the genus and first two letters of the specific epithet.
Data Provided By:
Jeremy Hobson, USFS, provided GIS support. Lew Cousineau, Central Oregon Community College, provided database support. The study was conducted by Tom Rodhouse, National Park Service, Pat Ormsbee, US Forest Service, Kathi Irvine, US Geological Survey, Joe Szewczak, Humboldt State University, Lee Vierling, University of Idaho, and Kerri Vierling, University of Idaho. Data for this project were obtained by a large cadre of professional biologists and volunteers who participated in the Bat Grid Program during 2003-2010.
Content date:
not specified
Spatial Resolution:
0.0000000033997027415466626 by 0.0000000033997027415466626
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not specified
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not specified
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