These geographic constructs for the GCPO LCC are derived mostly from the BCR boundaries (Important to formulating JV boundaries c) within the GCPO except the Gulf Coastal Area. The Gulf Coastal area was defined on the west by the new MAV boundary and on the north with the Gulf Coast JV/ Southern Coastal Plain Omernik Level 3 ecoregion. This revised dataset improves upon the land-water boundary along the coastline portions of the Gulf Coast subgeography of the GCPO LCC.
Landscape conservation cooperatives (LCCs) are conservation-science partnerships between the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), and other federal agencies, states, tribes, NGOs, universities and stakeholders within a geographically defined area. They inform resource management decisions to address national-scale stressors-including habitat fragmentation, genetic isolation, spread of invasive species, and water scarcity-all of which are accelerated by climate change.