The NRN product is distributed in the form of thirteen provincial or
territorial datasets and consists of two linear entities (Road Segment
and Ferry Connection Segment) and three punctual entities (Junction,
Blocked Passage, Toll Point) with which is associated a series of
descriptive attributes such as, among others: First House Number, Last
House Number, Street Name Body, Place Name, Functional Road Class,
Pavement Status, Number Of Lanes, Structure Type, Route Number, Route
Name, and Exit Number. This dataset contains road segment vectors within
Newfoundland and Labrador province.
The development of the NRN was realized by means of individual meetings
and national workshops with interested data providers from the federal,
provincial, territorial and municipal governments.
In 2005, the NRN edition 2.0 was alternately adopted by members from the
Inter-Agency Committee on Geomatics (IACG) and the Canadian Council on
Geomatics (CCOG). The NRN content largely conforms to the ISO 14825 from
ISO/TC 204.