Bigscale logperch (Percina macrolepida) status data created for the Western Division of the American Fisheries Society (WDAFS)
Archdeacon, T.P. and Davenport, S.R., 2010. Predation by age-0 smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu) on bigscale logperch (Percina macrolepida) in the Pecos River, New Mexico. The Southwestern Naturalist, 55: 120-122.
Davenport, S.R. and Remshardt, W.J., 2008. Range extensions for Pimephales vigilax and Percina macrolepida in the Rio Grande, New Mexico. The Southwestern Naturalist 53: 125-128.
Suttkus, R.D. and Jones, C., 2013. Fishes of Devil's River, Val Verde County, Texas. Museum of Texas Tech University.
Buchanan, T.M. and Stevenson, M.M., 2003. Distribution of bigscale logperch, Percina macrolepida (Percidae), in the Arkansas River basin. The Southwestern Naturalist 48: 454-460.
Crain, P.K., Whitener, K. and Moyle, P.B., 2003. Use of a restored central California floodplain by larvae of native and alien fishes. In American Fisheries Society Symposium (pp. 125-140). American Fisheries Society.