Simplified Geology of Madagascar

May 17, 2010
This map was digitized from the geology map of Madagascar (BESAIRIE, 1964). The 96 original categories were reclassified into predominant rock types which seem to have an important effect on the vegetation they support. The categories of sedimentary rocks include sandstones, loose (unconsolidated) sands, and two limestone categories of different ages (one of which produces the spectacular "tsingy" areas of jagged, highly eroded limestone pinnacles). A broad category of metamorphic rocks (including granites and migmatites), often covered by thick layers of laterites, covers large areas of the central and eastern areas of the island. Lavas and basalts, and several restricted rock types including quartzites, marbles and ultrabasics are also distinguished.
Data Provided By:
Justin Moat,Royal Botanic Gardens,Kew.,David Du Puy,Royal Botanic Gardens,Kew.
Content date:
not specified
Title: Simplified Geology of Madagascar
Credits: Justin Moat,Royal Botanic Gardens,Kew.,David Du Puy,Royal Botanic Gardens,Kew.
Publication Date: 19971212
Publisher: Justin Moat and David Du Puy, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
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Larger Works:

Title: Malagasy Plant Diversity Project
Credits: Justin Moat and David Du Puy, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew(comp.)
Publication Date: 19971215
Publisher: Justin Moat and David Du Puy, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
Online Linkages: Other Citation Info: Du Puy, D.J and Moat, J.F. (1998, in press). Vegetation Mapping and Classification in Madagascar (using GIS)| Implications and Recommendations for the Conservation of Biodiversity. In| Cutler, D.F., Huxley, C.R. & Lock, J.M. (Eds.), The ecology, chorology and taxonomy of the African and Madagascan floras -�������� Proceedings of the Frank White Memorial Symposium. Kew Bulletin Additional Series. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Du Puy, D.J and Moat, J.F. (1997). Using GIS for vegetation mapping and conservation planning in Madagascar. In| Plant Talk (Plant Conservation Worldwide), (Issue 11 - October 1997), p 24. The Botanical Information Company Ltd, UK. Du Puy, D.J. and Moat, J. (1996). A refined classification of the primary vegetation of Madagascar based on the underlying geology| using GIS to map its distribution and to assess its conservation status. In| W.R. Louren��������o (editor). Proceedings of the International Symposium on the Biogeography of Madagascar, pp. 205--218, + 3 maps. Editions de l��������ORSTOM, Paris.
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Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
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