First Nations Settled and Unsettled Land Claims in Canada

Apr 20, 2010 (Last modified Feb 17, 2020)
This shape file includes settled and unsettled land claims. Unsettled land claims with no known boundaries includes the following: ALGONQUINS OF PIKWAKANAGAN (GOLDEN LAKE) (ONTARIO). No outline data. Shown as a point symbol. INAC Claim Category "Other Claims". - QUEBEC ALGONQUIN CLAIM (QUEBEC). Shown as a point symbol. INAC Claim Category "Claims Awaiting A Decision Re: Acceptance Or Rejection (INAC)". Other unsettled land claims (known boundaries) include the following outstanding land claims (several are overlapping claims), listed by INAC Claim Category: CLAIMS IN NEGOTIATION (INAC 1999) - DOGRIB CLAIM TREATY 11. Mapped based on NWT NORTH SLAVE REGION. Overlaps with Treaty 8 Dene. - TREATY 8 DENE. Shown as overlapping claim with Dogrib Claim. ATIKAMEKW AND MONTAGNAIS CLAIMS (QUEBEC/LB). Mapped using general outline. Shown for Quebec and as part of NF/LB overlapping claims. - MAKIVIK CLAIM - OFFSHORE (N.W.T.) AND LABRADOR (ONSHORE AND OFFSHORE). Shown as part of NF/LB overlapping claims. - LABRADOR INUIT ASSOCIATION (LIA) CLAIM (NFLD. AND LABRADOR). Shown as part of NF/LB overlapping claims. - INNU NATION CLAIM (NFLD. AND LABRADOR). Shown as part of NF/LB overlapping claims. - CLAIMS IN BC. Nisga'a - ratified by Nisga'a, BC parliament, awaiting federal ratification; Sechelt have reach AIP; almost all the province has outstanding land claims. All of BC is shown as overlapping claims. - YUKON UMBRELLA AGREEMENT SETTLEMENT AREA (1993). This area is approximated using Yukon First Nation Traditional Territory boundaries. Seven First Nations have reached settlement, with a further 7 continuing land claim negotiations. As Yukon Umbrella Agreement deliberations are ongoing, the entire Yukon is shown as having outstanding land claims. OTHER PROCESSES (INAC 1999) - SOUTH SLAVE METIS TRIBAL COUNCIL - SOUTH SLAVE REGION (Treaty 8). Shown as part of overlapping claims in NWT SOUTH SLAVE REGION. - SALT RIVER FIRST NATION (N.W.T.). Shown as part of overlapping claims in NWT SOUTH SLAVE REGION - DEH CHO FN - DEH CHO REGION (Treaty 8). Mapped based on NWT DEH CHO REGION. CLAIMS AWAITING A DECISION RE: ACCEPTANCE OR REJECTION (INAC 1999) - LABRADOR METIS ASSOCIATION (NFLD. AND LABRADOR). NOTE that "It is the preliminary federal position that the LMN claim cannot be accepted for negotiation under the Comprehensive Land Claims Policy" (INAC). Shown as part of overlapping claims in NF/LB. - NASKAPI OF QUEBEC (SCHEFFERVILLE) COMPREHENSIVE LAND CLAIM (NFLD. AND LABRADOR) Shown as part of overlapping claims in NF/LB. - MIAWPUKEK MI'KAMAWEY MAWI'OMI (CONNE RIVER MIKMAQ BAND OF NEWFOUNDLAND) (NFLD. AND LABRADOR). Shown as part of overlapping claims in NF/LB. On the other hand, modern settled land claims include the following: James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement (1977); b) The Northeastern Quebec Agreement (1978); c) The Inuvialuit Final Agreement (1984); d) The Gwich'in Agreement (1992) (NWT AND YUKON); e) The Nunavut Land Claims Agreement (1993); f) The Sahtu Dene and Metis Agreement (1994). NOTE: The following two land claims were not included: - ACCEPTED CLAIM AWAITING NEGOTIATIONS (INAC 1999) CREES OF QUEBEC OFFSHORE ISLANDS CLAIM (N.W.T.). Not shown due to scale limitations. This claim concerns small islands off the northern shore of Quebec and Labrador. - REJECTED CLAIMS (INAC 1999) OJIBWAY OF PIC RIVER FIRST NATION (ONTARIO). This land claim was rejected by the Federal Treaty Commision. First nation settlements and land claim areas are approximate only. Land Claim areas are subject to change. Areas shown as overlapping land claims may include some lands where there is in fact only one First Nation land claim. These areas have been generalized to provincial and territorial boundaries for presentation purposes.
Data Provided By:
Global Forest Watch Canada
Content date:
not specified
Title: First Nations Settled and Unsettled Land Claims in Canada
Credits: Global Forest Watch Canada
Publication Date: 2000
Publisher: Global Forest Watch, World Resources Institute
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Global Forest Watch
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This data is copyright to Global Forest Watch and/or its collaborators. Use and reproduction of this data is authorized for educational or other non-commercial purposes without prior permission from the copyright holders. You may make as many copies of the data as you wish; give exact copies of the original data to anyone; and distribute the data in its unmodified form via electronic means. There is no charge for any of the above. You are specifically prohibited from charging, or requesting donation, for any such copies, however made; from publishing; and from distributing the data with other products (commercial or otherwise without prior written permission.
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