Field Data UNG Biomass Estimates (Summary Data), British Columbia, Canada

Feb 23, 2021 (Last modified Feb 25, 2021)

This dataset provides biomass estimates for 21 plot locations in British Columbia for the following variables:

  • Stem biomass (t/ha)
  • Branch biomass (t/ha)
  • Foliage biomass (t/ha)
  • ABG biomass (t/ha)
  • BG Biomass (t/ha)
  • Total ABG+BG Biomass (t/ha)

Each point contains a link to a spreadsheet containing detailed information on the individual tree species and large woody debris transects used to calculate these values.

The original tabular data comes from fields AT through BA in the MichelleJEfffielddatastandingtreesUNGbiomassestimates1.xlsx spreadsheet provided to CBI by Dominick A DellaSala. Lat/long values in this spreadsheet were used to convert the tabular plot data to this point feature class.

Metadata from the data provider is not currently available.

Data Provided By:
Conservation Biology Institute using data provided by the Geos Institute.
Content date:
2018-08-12T00:00:00 - 2018-10-21T00:00:00
Contact Organization:
Conservation Biology Institute
Contact Person(s):
Use Constraints:
This dataset was created by the Conservation Biology Institute and has been provided for use in accordance with the terms set forth in the contract agreement. Attribution is required for redistribution in any medium or format. Refer to the conditions of use policy in the contract agreement for any additional restrictions or limitations.
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FGDC Standard Metadata XML
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Original Metadata XML
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Conservation Biology Institute

We provide advanced conservation science, technology, and planning to empower our partners in solving the world’s critical ecological challenges