The draft Integrated Science Agenda (ISA) of the Gulf Coastal Plains and Ozarks Landscape Conservation Cooperative (GCPO) identifies Gulf Coast estuarine tidal marsh as a priority system for conservation. This map series assess change in tidal marsh using the C-CAP Land Cover Change Product (1996 - 2010).
To facilitate the rapid assessment process we used the NOAA
C-CAP Regional Land Cover Change product to assess losses and gains in
estuarine emergent and scrub/shrub land cover from (1996-2010). Though C-CAP change products are available
back to 1975 in some regions of the U.S., the earliest change product available
along the northern Gulf of Mexico is not until 1996. C-CAP change products use a combination of Landsat
multi-spectral scanner (MSS), thematic mapper (TM) and enhanced thematic mapper
(ETM) satellite imagery, aerial photography, and plot-level data in combination
with other ancillary data (e.g., digital elevation model, normalized difference
vegetation index) for historic and recent eras to produce a matrix of land
cover change among C-CAP classes over time.
To assess change amounts within the GCPO Gulf Coast
subgeography portions of the C-CAP change product extent we first evaluated
estimated losses and gains by class and overall of the C-CAP estuarine emergent
and estuarine scrub/shrub classes within each GCPO state. Losses to and gains from other classes
included development, palustrine wetland, water, other estuarine wetland types,
unconsolidated shore, non-wetland scrub/shrub, evergreen forest, and
grassland/pasture or cultivation. Start
and end date ranges for the land cover change assessment varied by state and
ranged from 1994-1997 start dates and 2009-2011 end dates. We also clipped the C-CAP change product to a
10 km buffer east and west of the GCPO LCC boundary and assessed amount of
total estuarine emergent and estuarine scrub/shrub wetland acreage lost,
gained, and net change per HUC12 watershed from 1996 - 2010.
The layers presented here represent a sum of acres by HUC12
watershed lost from estuarine emergent and estuarine scrub/shrub classes,
gained from other classes to estuarine emergent and estuarine scrub/shrub
classes, and net change in acreage per HUC of estuarine emergent and estuarine scrub/shrub.
Gulf Coastal Plains and Ozarks LCC
NOAA Coastal Change Analysis Product Land Cover Change Product
This is the account from which the content of the GCPO LCC portal is controlled. If you have questions, you may contact Kristine Evans at