
May 24, 2017
Uploaded by Frank Pendleton
These data delineate state and federally managed ocean areas off the West Coast of the United States that are closed or restricted to commercial or recreational fishing for fish and invertebrates as of June 2015. These areas include Marine Protected Areas, Marine Reserves, Essential Fish Habitat Conservation Areas, and other types of Conservation Areas. Closures/restrictions may be year-round or seasonal. The data do not include all spatially-explicit fishing regulations. The focus of these data is on fishing closures and restrictions that generally persist through time, and do not include many fishing management measures that are used to open and close areas dynamically to manage species, harvests, and seasons. Some areas where access is prohibited or restricted are included because these act as "de-facto" closures or restrictions to fishing. A few closures are presented in companion data sets because the have a more complex seasonal component, may change frequently, and/or cover large areas that are simpler to visualize independently. These companion data sets include: "West Coast Commercial Groundfish Trawl Rockfish Conservation Areas (RCA), 2015," "West Coast Commercial Non-Groundfish Trawl Rockfish Conservation Areas (RCA), 2015," "West Coast Commercial Groundfish Non-Trawl Rockfish Conservation Areas (RCA), 2015," and "West Coast Drift Gillnet Protected Resource Closure Areas, 2015."
Data Provided By:
West Coast Ocean Data Portal, West Coast Ocean Data Network
Content date:
Contact Organization:
West Coast Ocean Data Network
Contact Person(s):
not specified
Use Constraints:
The data are not legal boundaries and should not be used to determine if fishing for specific species and/or with specific gear is allowed at a certain location.
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FGDC Standard Metadata XML
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Original Metadata XML
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Downloaded by 4 Members
Bookmarked by 2 Groups
Included in 1 Public Map , 12 Private Maps
Included in 1 Public Gallery

About the Uploader

Frank Pendleton
GIS Analyst with BOEM

GIS Analyst for Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM)