Greenthroat darter (Etheostoma lepidum) status data created for the Western Division of the American Fisheries Society (WDAFS)
Hubbs, C. and Strawn, K., 1957. The effects of light and temperature on the fecundity of the greenthroat darter, Etheostoma lepidum. Ecology 38: 596-602.
Hubbs, C., Peden, A.E. and Stevenson, M.M., 1969. The developmental rate of the greenthroat darter, Etheostoma lepidum. American Midland Naturalist 81: 182-188.
Hubbs, C., 1961. Differences in the incubation period of two populations of Etheostoma lepidum. Copeia 1961: 198-200.
Hubbs, C., 1960. Duration of sperm function in the percid fishes Etheostoma lepidum and E. spectabile, associated with sympatry of the parental populations. Copeia 1960: 1-8.