Land resources of Russia - Vegetation communities

Feb 17, 2011 (Last modified May 12, 2011)
From Land Resources of Russia: Vegetation is the totality of vegetation communities and also accompanying groups of plants occurring in the various regions of the Earth. In contrast to flora, vegetation is characterized not only by the species composition, but by the abundance and the combination of species and of various life forms of plants, and by their spatial structure and dynamics. Vegetation is a most important component of the biosphere that is closely related with climate, hydrology, soils, relief, and animal life. For more information on this dataset, visit
Data Provided By:
Vladimir Stolbovoi; International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) and the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), 2002
Content date:
not specified
Adapted from Stolbovoi V., G. Fischer, V., S. Ovechkin and S.  Rozhkova  (Kravets), 1998. The IIASA-LUC Project Georeferenced Database of the Former U.S.S.R., Vol. 4: Vegetation, Interim Report IR-98, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Laxenburg, Austria.

In Stolbovoi V. and I. McCallum. 2002. CD-ROM Land Resources of Russia. Laxenburg, Austria: International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis and the Russian Academy of Science. CD-ROM. Available at:
Contact Organization:
Land Resources of Russia 
Contact Person(s):
not specified
Use Constraints:
© 2002 Copyright International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis and the Russian Academy of Sciences. Full acknowledgement and referencing must be included in any documentation using any of the material contained in this data from Land Resources of Russia website.
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