To aid in the mapping of conservation values in the West Mojave study area, we modeled structural connectivity (i.e. generic landscape pattern connectivity).
This comprised of a novel combination of least cost corridor outputs (Linkage Mapper), circuit theory (Circuitscape), and a hybridized graph theory (a Linkage Priority Mapper Add-on to Linkage Mapper) (Figure 1 in the below linked Report).
We modeled structural connectivity four ways and combined them. First, we considered how the landscape would look for a small species as well as for a large species, and incorporated these considerations in building the respective resistance surfaces and core areas. For each of these, we considered both (1) landscape connectivity for the present time, in order to maintain the current population demographics, and (2) landscape connectivity over a longer timespan that includes a climate lens, such as valuing linkages that connect lowlands to mid-elevations, or cores and linkages that include physical refugia.
This layer is the Demographic Connectivity for Small Species.