This dataset shows the Western Governors Association (WGA) Crucial Habitat Assessment Tool (CHAT) for the state of Colorado. More information about the CHAT can be found at: Metadata from dataset:
Hex grid was created using the HexMap function in the Connectivity Analysis Toolkit resulting in a continuous rectangular grid surface extending beyond the state perimeters. The grid was then subset using a Modified State boundary created from the USGS internal state boundarry file and a NOAA coastline boundary file. The coastline as buffered by 0.25 miles to account for coastline accuracy issues . Additionally, to account for coaastal water inltes into the states like large river mouths, bays, and Puget Sound, the state boundary was edited so these bodies were internal to the state. The hexagon layer was then populated with the state attribute, populating the field with whatever state occurred at the centroid. As a result of the 0.5 mile coastal buffer, the centroids of many cells along the coast did not overlap a state and were manually populated with the correct state association. If after all CHAT data sets are added there are coastal hexagons that have no data, these can be removed.