Number of Rare (S1-S3) Species in the CNDDB, DRECP

Sep 19, 2013 (Last modified Jan 22, 2016)
This dataset represents the count of rare species present per 1 km reporting unit, based on California Natural Diversity Database polygons and attributes downloaded August 2013.

The California Natural Diversity Database (CNDDB; is a program that inventories the status and locations of rare plants and animals in California. 

The CNDDB was queried for "presumed extant" occurrences of all four categories of elements (Special Plants, Special Animals, Natural Communities, Aquatic Communities) with state ranks between S1 - S3. The state rank is a reflection of the condition (rarity and endangerment) of an element within the state. 

State Ranks in California as follows: 
S1 = Critically imperiled; Less than 6 element occurrences OR less than 1,000 individuals OR less than 2,000 acres 
S2 = Imperiled; 6 to 20 element occurrences OR 1,000 to 3,000 individuals OR 2,000 to 10,000 acres 
S3 = Vulnerable to Extirpation; 21 to 100 element occurrences OR 3,000 to 10,000 individuals OR 10,000 to 50,000 acres

CNDDB element polygons, (which result from varying levels of uncertainty associated with location data), were overlaid with the DRECP 1 km reporting unit grid, and the sum of rare species potentially occurring in each 1 km reporting unit was calculated.

It should be noted that the CNDDB is a positive detection database, which means there is a bias towards locations that have been surveyed; a lack of detections does not necessarily imply there are no rare species present.
Data Provided By:
Conservation Biology Institute.

Created using California Natural Diversity Database polygons and attributes downloaded August 2013 from:

California Department of Fish & Wildlife
Biogeographic Data Branch
1807 13th Street, Suite 202
Sacramento, CA 95811
(916) 322-2493
Content date:
not specified
Spatial Resolution:
1 km
Contact Organization:
Conservation Biology Institute
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Creative Commons LicenseThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
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Conservation Biology Institute

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