Wildland Fire Threat (fthrt14_2), California

Feb 11, 2020
Fire Threat is a combination of two factors: 1) fire probability, or the likelihood of a given area burning, and 2) potential fire behavior (hazard). These two factors are combined to create 5 threat classes ranging from low to extreme.

This version (fthrt14_2) is an update created from fthrt14_1 (created for the FRAP 2017 Forest and Rangeland Assessment). Fire Rotation data in fthrt14_1 was replaced with Annual Fire Probability data developed for California by Pyrologix Inc.
Data Provided By:
California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) - Fire and Resource Assessment Program (FRAP) Annual fire probability data for California was developed and provided to CAL FIRE by Joe Scott, Pyrologix Inc. Fuel Rank data was developed in 2005 by CAL FIRE-FRAP, and updated for 2014 using the FRAP California Interagency Fire Perimeter Database (fire16_1). CAL FIRE recognizes the various partners that have contributed to this dataset, including USDA Forest Service Region 5, USDI Bureau of Land Managment, National Park Service, National Fish and Wildlife, and numerous local agencies. Existing vegetation data used in formulation of Fire Threat were from the FRAP Existing Vegetation dataset, which was developed in cooperation with California Department of Fish and Wildlife VegCamp program and the USDA Forest Service Region 5 Remote Sensing Laboratory (RSL).
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DISCLAIMER The State of California and the Department of Forestry and Fire Protection make no representations or warranties regarding the accuracy of data or maps. The user will not seek to hold the State or the Department liable under any circumstances for any damages with respect to any claim by the user or any third party on account of or arising from the use of data or maps. The user will cite the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection as the original source of the data, but will clearly denote cases where the original data have been updated, modified, or in any way altered from the original condition.
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