MC1 DGVM fire potential forecast January-July 2012 (based on ECPC 7-month weather forecast)

Feb 29, 2012 (Last modified Jul 11, 2012)
This dataset shows the predicted area of high fire potential for the current year up to the end of the forecast period as simulated by a modified version of the MC1 Dynamic General Vegetation Model (DGVM). 

The area of high fire potential is where PDSI and MC1-calculated values of potential fire behavior (fireline intensity for forest and shrubland and rate of spread of spread for grassland) exceed calibrated threshold values. 

Potential fire behavior in MC1 is estimated using National Fire Danger Rating System (NFDRS) formulas, monthly climatic (temperature, precipitation, and relative humidity) data, and fuel moisture and loading estimates.  

Monthly climatic data includes recorded values up to the last observed month and forecast values provided by the weather model identified in the dataset title.

Future climate forecasts have been made available through cooperation with the International Research Institute for Climate Prediction (IRI) of Columbia University which provides monthly updates of 7-month future climate forecasts from fiv
Data Provided By:
United States Forest Service, MAPSS team--Raymond Drapek
Content date:
01/2012 - 07/2012
Spatial Resolution:
4km x 4km
Contact Organization:
United States Forest Service
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Creative Commons LicenseThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
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