Oregon Urban Growth Boundaries 2016

Oct 26, 2017

This theme delineates Urban Growth Boundaries (UGBs) in the state of Oregon. Oregon land use laws limit development outside of urban growth boundaries. The line work was created by various sources including the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD), the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT), Metro Regional Council of Governments (Metro), county and city GIS departments, and the Oregon Department of Administrative Services - Geospatial Enterprise Office (DAS-GEO).Urban growth boundaries (UGBs) are lines drawn on planning and zoning maps to show where a city expects to experience growth for the next 20 years. UGBs were established under Oregon Statewide Planning Goals in 1973 by the Oregon State Legislature (Senate Bill 100). Goal 14 specifically deals with UGBs (OAR 660-15-0000(4)). Other specific ORS that relate to the designation and delineation of UGBs are: 197.626 Expanding urban growth boundary and designating urban reserve area subject to periodic review.A city with a population of 2,500 or more within its urban growth boundary that amends the urban growth boundary to include more than 50 acres or that designates urban reserve areas under ORS 195.145 shall submit the amendment or designation to the Land Conservation and Development Commission in the manner provided for periodic review under ORS 197.628 to 197.650. [1999 c.622 §14; 2001 c.672 §10]and 197.628 Periodic review; policy; conditions that indicate need for periodic review.(1) It is the policy of the State of Oregon to require the periodic review of comprehensive plans and land use regulations in order to respond to changes in local, regional and state conditions to ensure that the plans and regulations remain in compliance with the statewide planning goals adopted pursuant to ORS 197.230, and to ensure that the plans and regulations make adequate provision for needed housing, employment, transportation and public facilities and services.Determining UGBs in Oregon is done based on input from city and county governments. Such special districts as public safety and utilities also participate because they provide important services. Local citizens and other interested people also provide input at public hearings, and by voting. After local governments determine the UGB, the state Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD) reviews it for consistency with Goal 14. One of the major tasks in initially creating the UGB layer was to create an effective process for identifying, determining and documenting data sources for the layer. This included examining numerous existing data sources prepared and compiled by local and state jurisdictional bodies. Maps of boundaries were forwarded to several stakeholders for review, data requests were made directly to the GIS coordinators, planners, or senior administrators. Overall, local contacts had a high response rate. The initial assumption was that the local files were more accurate than DCLDs so a map was made of each respective UGB on file in 2006 and sent to the corresponding jurisdiction and county. This conclusion was based on the local files being: 1) typically linked to such official and legal boundary as city limits, or cadastral data, 2) the locals are the originators of the data which was submitted to DLCD, and 3) local planning agencies and county assessors typically maintain these data in high-resolution digital GIS data files. Where local authorities provided data, we revised boundaries to reflect a combination of DLCD files and local data. Differences were noted, documented and corrected based on mutual agreement from both DLCD acknowledged files and local authorities. If the county/local planning authority did not provide any data, it is assumed that the boundary on file was correct and the legal definition of UGBs for their respective areas were the attached digital file, until the local jurisdiction re-submits data to DLCD for approval, or to provide justification that DCLD information is incomplete (i.e,. other DLCD approved amendments).

Data Provided By:
This dataset was originally created in 2004 at the Oregon Department of Employment under a grant from the Oregon Geographic Information Council (OGIC). In 2006, DLCD partnered with the University of Oregon's Infographics Lab and ODOT for another comprehensive update to the data following as closely as possible the methodology followed in the 2004 project. In 2008 DLCD took stewardship of the data and began a refined methodology necessary to bring the UGB data in line with other statewide framework elements through the OGIC data standards process. UGBs were optimized with reliance on cadastral tax lot data acquired through the Oregon Department of Revenue ORMAP project. Every jurisdiction's entire UGB was reviewed against County records, City records and DLCD records. Discrepancies were verified against acknowledged plan amendments and/or City Ordinances.
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not specified
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not specified
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not specified
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None. The Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development makes no warranty as to the accuracy of these data. Questions regarding the legal ownership and boundaries of real property should be directed to individual counties. This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. Users of this information should review or consult the primary data and information sources to ascertain the usability of the information.
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