Roadkill Mex2 Jan15-Dec18 2016 / Fauna atropellada Carretera Federal 2 Ene15–Dic 18 2016

Jan 10, 2017
Uploaded by Juan Carlos Bravo
Roadkill recorded along three stretches of Mexican Highway 2 in Sonora, from Ímuris to the state limit with Chihuahua.

Fauna atropellada a lo largo de tres tramos de la Carretera Federal Mexicana No. 2, en Sonora, de Ímuris al límite estatal con Chihuahua.
Data Provided By:
Biól. Mirna Manteca / Sky Island Alliance
Content date:
January 15 2016 - December 18 2016
Contact Organization:
Sky Island Alliance
Wildlands Network
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Creative Commons LicenseThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
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Downloaded by 3 Members

About the Uploader

Juan Carlos Bravo
Director of the Mexico Program with Wildlands Network

As Wildlands Network’s Director the Mexico Program, I work to expand the Western Wildway into the northern Sierra Madre Occidental by partnering with Mexican groups and improving Wildlands Network’s understanding of the connectivity issues in Mexico. I adapt WN’s overall strategy to a significantly...