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This dataset shows simulated fisher territory occupancy for a study area
the southern Sierra Nevada range from the Extreme Fire Regime plus No
Treatment scenario (Scheller and others 2008). Simulations were
conducted using the spatially dynamic population model PATCH coupled to
the forest succession and disturbance model LANDIS-II. Fisher occupancy
is represented as the average number of females per 860 hectare hexagon.
Habitat quality was derived from LANDIS-II simulated vegetation dynamics
and was used to drive spatially-explicit demographic dynamics in
PATCH> The baseline fire regime is derived from the previous 20
years of fire data. The extreme fire regime is a purely hypothetical
fire regime intended to produce larger, more severe fires that may occur
as a result of climate change. Fuel treatments were applied to either 4
or 8% of the area in the treatable landscape every 5 years and were
either low or moderate intensity thinning from below activities. For
more information on the methods used to create this dataset, please
refer to Scheller and others (2008) and Spencer and others (2008).
Title: Sierra Nevada (California, USA) Simulated Fisher Territory Occupancy - Extreme Fire Regime + No Treatment Credits: Scheller,Spencer,Rustigian,Syphard,Ward,Strittholt Publication Date: 2008 Publisher: Conservation Biology Institute Other Citation Info: Scheller, R.M., W. Spencer, H. Rustigian, A. Syphard, B.C. Ward, J. Strittholt. Effects of Fire and Fuels Management on Fishers (Martes pennanti) in the southern Sierra Nevada, California. Submitted to Ecology, 10/2008.
Spencer, W., H. Rustigian, R. Scheller, A. Syphard, J. Strittholt, B. Ward. 2008. Baseline evaluation of fisher habitat and population status and effects of fires and fuel management on fishers in the southern Sierra Nevada. Report.
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