Vegetation - Medium Scale Central Valley Riparian Vegetation and Land Use, 2011

Nov 26, 2014
Geodatabase (SDE) feature class containing map of vegetation along mainstem rivers and major tributaries (including ancillary natural and semi-natural vegetation) found within the Department of Water Resources Central Valley Flood Protection Program's Systemwide Planning Area (SPA). This map includes vegetation outside of the SPA within Great Valley Ecoregion (GVE) of the Central Valley from the King's River drainage north to the town of Red Bluff and vegetation above the GVE along the mainstem of the Sacramento River to Keswick Dam.

Data was modified based on Accuracy Assessment feedback from the CA DFG in August 2011. Data was originally developed from June 2010 through April 2011 from interpretation of the National Agicultural Inventory Program's 2009 (NAIP 2009) aerial imagery and hand-digitized at a minimum mapping unit (mmu) of 1.0-acres with a minimum average width of 10-meters per polygon. Medium-scale vegetation categories were based on the National Vegetation Classification System (NVCS) "group-level" as interpreted in Appendix 3 (pp. 1227-1240) of the Manual of California Vegetation, 2nd Ed. (Sawer 2009). "Medium-scale" thus refers to the mid-level thematic resolution for vegetation used for the map. This medium-scale mapping effort incorporated provisional group categories where no clear relationship between vegetation types and NVCS groups existed.
Data Provided By:
California State University, Chico, Geographical Information Center
Content date:
Completed April 2011 from NAIP 2009 aerial imagery; Accuracy Assessment corrections made August 2011
Contact Organization:
California State University, Chico, Geographical Information Center
Contact Person(s):
Use Constraints:
Recognition that this dataset was created by the Geographical Information Center (GIC) for the California Department of Water Resources. We would appreciate corrections to the map sent to VegCAMP. Contact Diana Hickson
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FGDC Standard Metadata XML
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Downloaded by 4 Members
Bookmarked by 1 Member , 2 Groups
Included in 1 Public Map , 3 Private Maps
Included in 1 Public Gallery

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