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This dataset represents point observations of Blue-winged warblers
(Vermivora pinus) between 1937 and 2008, compiled from a variety of data
sources by the Avian Knowledge Network. Blue-winged warblers are
designated as a priority migrant songbird species by the eBird project.
For more information, please see
This dataset is intended to characterize the general areas in which this
species has been observed. This dataset is not intended for rigorous
scientific analysis due to the varying quality and precision of the
underlying data. Coordinates should be regarded as approximate due to
the wide range in projects and protocols from which these data were
obtained. The records generally lack critical information for
statistically calculating density of this species at a given point.
Users of this dataset are encouraged to cite the original observers and
the effort of Avian Knowledge Network in compiling the underlying data
used to create this dataset. Coordinate information contained in
tabular data obtained from Avian Knowledge Network was used to create
points within this shapefile, to which selected fields from the table
were attached to provide additional information about the observation at
that point.
Data Provided By:
Conservation Biology Institute
Content date:
Title: Blue-winged warbler observations Credits: Conservation Biology Institute Publication Date: 2008 Publisher: Conservation Biology Institute Online Linkages:
Other Citation Info: The underlying tabular data used to create this dataset were retrieved from the Avian Knowledge Network ( on 3/2008. Fields were renamed from the Bird Monitoring Data Exchange (BMDE) format to fit the constraints of the DBF file format, and only certain fields were retained from the downloaded tabular data.
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