Sierra Nevada U.S. Forest Service (USFS) Willow Flycatcher Habitat

May 14, 2010
This dataset depicts Willow flycatcher habitat for National Forests in the Sierra Nevada Range. Meadows were derived from the Sierra-wide meadow vegetation layer (MDVG) by reselecting for wet meadows with woody vegetation (WW) and without woody vegetation (WO). Some meadows were derived from reselecting willow-dominated vegetation from the existing vegetation (EVEG) layer. Initially, all meadows greater than or equal to 15 acres were categorized as Emphasis (E), and meadows smaller than 15 acres were categorized as Small (S). Meadows identified as containing a known willow flycatcher observation, which are identified as points in coverage WIFLPT_9, were then categorized as Occupied (O). Item WFLY ID provides a link between this habitat polygon coverage and the point coverage, which contains additional information about the occupied site. Additional Occupied polygons were delineated around areas containing observation points through photo interpretation and field notes.
Data Provided By:
USDA Forest Service - Pacific Southwest Region - Remote Sensing Lab
Content date:
Title: Sierra Nevada U.S. Forest Service (USFS) Willow Flycatcher Habitat
Credits: USDA Forest Service - Pacific Southwest Region - Remote Sensing Lab
Publication Date: August 2006
Publisher: Remote Sensing Lab
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Contact Organization:
USDA Forest Service - Pacific Southwest Region - Remote Sensing Lab
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Creative Commons LicenseThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
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FGDC Standard Metadata XML
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