Digital Landcover Dataset for the Southwestern United States - Utah High Plateaus Ecoregion

Mar 4, 2011
Uploaded by Grand Canyon Trust
Dataset was reviewed in another manner
Multi-season satellite imagery (Landsat ETM+) from 1999-2001 were used in conjunction with digital elevation model (DEM) derived datasets (e.g. elevation, landform, aspect, etc.) to model natural and semi-natural vegetation. The minimum mapping unit for this dataset is approximately 1 acre. Landcover classes are drawn from NatureServe's Ecological System concept, with 109 of the 125 total classes mapped at the system level. For the majority of classes, a decision tree classifier was used to discriminate landcover types, while a minority of classes (e.g. urban classes, sand dunes, burn scars, etc.) were mapped using other techniques. Twenty mapping areas, each characterized by similar ecological and spectral characteristics, were modeled independently of one another. These mapping areas, which included a 4 km overlap, were subsequently mosaicked to create the regional dataset. An internal validation for modeled classes was performed on a withheld 20% of the sample data. Results of the validation will be presented in the project final report and are not available at this time. The entire modeling area encompasses 5 southwestern states (Arizona, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, and Utah).
Complete descriptions of each landcover class are available in the document titled:  "Landcover Descriptions for the Southwest Regional Gap Project" at

Data Provided By:

Lowry, J. H, Jr., R. D. Ramsey, K. Boykin, D. Bradford, P. Comer, S. Falzarano, W. Kepner, J. Kirby, L. Langs, J. Prior-Magee, G. Manis, L. O’Brien, T. Sajwaj, K. A. Thomas, W. Rieth, S. Schrader, D. Schrupp, K. Schulz, B. Thompson, C. Velasquez, C. Wallace, E. Waller and B. Wolk. 2005. Southwest Regional Gap Analysis Project: Final Report on Land Cover Mapping Methods, RS/GIS Laboratory, Utah State University, Logan, Utah.

Content date:
1999 - 2001
Title: The Southwest Regional Gap Analysis Project: Final Report on Land Cover Mapping Methods
Credits: USGS GAP Analysis Program
Publication Date: 2005
Online Linkages:
Spatial Resolution:
30 meters
Contact Organization:

Organization: Remote Sensing/GIS Laboratory, College of Natural Resources, Utah State University

Contact Person(s):
Use Constraints:
No known use constraints. Data is in the public domain.
Layer Type:
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Spatial Resolution:
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FGDC Standard Metadata XML
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Original Metadata XML
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Dataset Type:
Layer Package
Downloaded by 1 Member
Included in 1 Public Map

About the Uploader

Grand Canyon Trust

Focused on the Colorado Plateau the Grand Canyon Trust GIS Program provides geographic information science support across all programs to further enhance the overall mission of GCT to protect and restore the Colorado Plateau. Such support includes cartographic design and mapping, database...