Climate Resilient Connectivity Prioritized Linkage Network

May 24, 2019 (Last modified Jun 5, 2019)
Uploaded by Megan Jennings
Draft multispecies climate linkage prioritization. Priority was based on multispecies value, proportion conserved, prior connectivity identification, and projected future development. Areas not already conserved and projected for development receive a higher priority in this model.
Data Provided By:
Megan K. Jennings, Erin Conliksk, Emily Haeuser, Rebecca L. Lewison
Content date:
not specified
Jennings, M.K., E. Conlisk, E. Haeuser, R.L. Lewison. 2019. Climate Resilient Connectivity for the South Coast Ecoregion of California
Contact Organization:
Institute for Ecological Monitoring and Management, San Diego State University
Contact Person(s):
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Creative Commons LicenseThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
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FGDC Standard Metadata XML
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Includes Environmental Evaluation Modeling System Logic model
Downloaded by 9 Members
Bookmarked by 1 Member
Included in 1 Public Map
Included in 1 Public Gallery

About the Uploader

Megan Jennings
Research Ecologist with San Diego State University

I'm Research Ecologist working in southern California to inform conservation planning and management with scientific approaches. I'm interested in landscape and conservation ecology, particularly with respect to assessing and improving landscape connectivity to build resilience to climate change and...