Aboveground live forest biomass (Mg C/ha) for Oregon, USA

Dec 3, 2010 (Last modified Mar 16, 2011)
Dataset was used in a scientifically peer-reviewed publication
Net uptake of carbon from the atmosphere (net ecosystem production, NEP) is dependent on climate, disturbance history, management practices, forest age, and forest type. To improve understanding of the influence of these factors on forest carbon stocks and flux in the western United States, federal inventory data and supplemental field measurements at additional plots were used to estimate several important components of the carbon balance in forests in Oregon and Northern California during the 1990s. Species- and ecoregion-specific allometric equations were used to estimate live and dead biomass stores, net primary productivity (NPP), and mortality. In the semiarid East Cascades and mesic Coast Range,mean total biomass was 8 and 24 kg C/m2, and mean NPP was 0.30 and 0.78 kg Cm2/yr, respectively.
Data Provided By:
Department of Forest Science, Oregon State University
Content date:
not specified
Hudiburg, T., Law, B., Turner, D. Campbell, J., Donato, D., Duane, M. 2009. Carbon dynamics of Oregon and Northern California forests and potential land-based carbon storage. Ecological Applications, 19(1), pp. 163–180
Spatial Resolution:
30 m
Contact Organization:
OSU department of forest ecosystems and society
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