Utah Watershed Restoration Focus Areas

Nov 9, 2017
Uploaded by Ian Leinwand
Utah Watershed Restoration Focal Areas. Feature data represent focus areas of planned and possible habitat conservation efforts, based on the methodology and analysis of the Utah Wildlife Action Plan 2005-2015

The Utah Wildlife Action Plan is a result of a collaborative effort by scientists, sportsmen, conservationists, the Division of Wildlife Resources, other local, state and federal agencies, private landowners, and the general public. The Utah Wildlife Action Plan, 2005-2015, identified 10 key habitat types for focus of restoration efforts, based on 95 GAP landcover classifications. These 10 habitat types were combined into 4 habitat groups: forest, rangeland, wetland, and riparian. Biologists were instructed to create focus area polygons within these 4 habitat groups, using existing landuse plans, landownership, species planning docs, conservation agreements, and coordination through the local Utah Partners for Conservation and Development's Watershed Restoration Iniatiative Regional Teams. Updates were made to the Southern Region in January 2008. Updates were made to the Central Region in March 2009.
Data Provided By:
Utah Division of Wildlife Resources
Content date:
not specified
Utah Division of Wildlife Resources, 2009. Utah Wildlife Action Plan 2005-2015.
Contact Organization:
Utah Division of Wildlife Resources
Contact Person(s):
not specified
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Creative Commons LicenseThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
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Included in 3 Public Maps , 2 Private Maps

About the Uploader

Ian Leinwand
Scientist with Conservation Science Partners

CSP is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit scientific collective established to meet the analytical and research needs of diverse stakeholders in conservation projects. We connect the best minds in conservation science to solve environmental problems in a comprehensive, flexible, and service-oriented manner....