Pecos gambusia (Gambusia nobilis) status data created for the Western Division of the American Fisheries Society (WDAFS)
Echelle, A.F., Echelle, A.A. and Edds, D.R., 1989. Conservation genetics of a spring‐dwelling desert fish, the Pecos Gambusia (Gambusia nobilis, Poeciliidae). Conservation Biology 3: 159-169.
Bednarz, J.C., 1979. Ecology and status of the Pecos gambusia, Gambusia nobilis (Poeciliidae), in New Mexico. The Southwestern Naturalist 24: 311-322.
Lewis, R.H., Allan, N.L., Stoops, S.B., Garrett, G.P., Kroll, C.W., West, J. and Deaton, R., 2013. Status of the endangered Pecos gambusia (Gambusia nobilis) and Comanche Springs pupfish (Cyprinodon elegans) in Phantom Lake Spring, Texas. The Southwestern Naturalist 58: 234-238.
Leiser, J.K., Little, K. and Itzkowitz, M., 2011. Mate sampling in a natural population of Pecos Gambusia, Gambusia nobilis. Western North American Naturalist 70: 483-489.