Tongass National Forest Roads - Pre 1960

Nov 30, 2009 (Last modified May 14, 2011)
This dataset depicts roads built on the Tongass National Forest prior to 1960. This dataset is part of a larger analysis of road building and timber harvest on the Tongass National Forest, compiled for the report Scientific Basis for Roadless Area Conservation (, pp 70-73. Road segments from a US Forest Service roads layer were attributed to the most likely decade in which the road was built, as determined by an analysis of connectivity to clearcuts on the Tongass National Forest from that decade. It was assumed that following 1960, harvests required access to mills or extraction sites, and thus roads connecting to them were most likely built within the decade prior to the clearcut. Prior to 1960, nearly all timber extraction was accomplished from the ocean shore, thus the roads built during this period were primarily for mining operations and local community transportation systems. The data are represented at a scale of 1:24000.
Data Provided By:
Conservation Biology Institute
Content date:
not specified
Title: Tongass National Forest Roads - Pre 1960
Credits: Conservation Biology Institute
Publication Date: 2002
Publisher: Conservation Biology Institute
Online Linkages: Other Citation Info: The underlying roads GIS dataset was obtained from the US Forest Service.
Contact Organization:
Conservation Biology Institute
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Creative Commons LicenseThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
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