MS floras

Jan 28, 2020
Uploaded by Toby Gray
County Boundary map originally published by Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. (ESRI), published in the year 2000. Counties were clipped to Mississippi and projected to mstm, the native state plane projection. Fields describing demographic data were deleted. A bibliography of botanical literature initiated by Mac Alford of the University of Southern Mississippi was reviewed and supplemented with suggested sources from other various scholars. The bibliography was reviewed to identify which counties were addressed by each work of scholarship. Each work was assigned an identification number. A second table describing the eighty-two counties of Mississippi was created with a field (column) using the id numbers to associate counties with botanical literature. Not all works were available for review. Lowe’s 1910 manuscript was deemed to be associated with all 82 counties. A second field tallies the number of scholarly works associated with each county. Full citations are not included in the attribute table to the shapefile, but can be found in the .xlsx attached to this dataset.
Data Provided By:
ESRI, Mac Alford, Toby Gray
Content date:
not specified
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Creative Commons LicenseThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
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FGDC Standard Metadata XML
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About the Uploader

Toby Gray
Research Professor with Mississippi State University

I do research on a variety of geographical and ecological topics, including mapping habitats of species of conservation concern to support wildlife action plans, mapping and assessing native grasslands and other fire-adapted landscapes, and connectivity mapping.