Antelope Valley Area Plan Land Use Designations - LA County, CA

Jun 22, 2016 (Last modified Mar 20, 2017)
Dataset was reviewed in another manner
This are all the Area, Community, Neighborhood, and Local Coastal Program Land Use Policy layers for 13 Area and Community Plans in the unincorporated parts of Los Angeles County. Last 9/4/13 for "Norland - Robinson Ranch" annexation in Santa Clarita Valley. (see below for date adopted and latest plan amendment for each area):Altadena Community Plan adopted by the Board of Supervisors on July 10, 1986 and last amended on December 26, 1989 (SP87044) - updated 5/17/12 to revert to original plan map after working with the General Plan section to resolve interpretation issues. Please see blog post ( on this issue. Antelope Valley Area Plan adopted by the Board of Supervisors on December 4, 1986 and last amended on July 27, 1999 (LP93021). Last updated 10/18/12 for annexation to Palmdale.Catalina Island Land Use Plan adopted by the Board of Supervisors on March 15, 1983 and certified by the California Coastal Commission on November 17, 1983. Santa Catalina Island Specific Plan Appendices A through G Coast Plan (Malibu Local Coastal Program) Also referred to as the Santa Monica Mountains Local Coastal Program. Adopted by the Board of Supervisors on October 7, 1986 and certified by the California Coastal Commission on December 11, 1986. East Los Angeles Community Plan adopted by the Board of Supervisors on June 23, 1988 and last amended on July 23, 2002 (LP01-062). Hacienda Heights Community Plan adopted by the Board of Supervisors on June 13, 2011 (Area Plan Update). Marina Del Rey Land Use Plan adopted by the Board of Supervisors on March 20, 2012 and certified by the California Coastal Commission on February 8, 2012. (LCP Update)Rowland Heights Community General Plan adopted by the Board of Supervisors on September 1, 1981 and last amended November 4, 1993 (LP92065)- updated 5/17/12 to revert to original plan map after working with the General Plan section to resolve interpretation issues. Please see blog post ( on this issue. Santa Clarita Valley Area Plan adopted by the Board of Supervisors on November 27, 2012 [GPA 2009-00009 (5)]. Last updated 9/4/13 for "Norland - Robinson Ranch" annexation to Santa Clarita; recorded on 8/15/13Santa Monica Mountains North Area Plan adopted by the Board of Supervisors on October 24, 2000 and last amended on October 23, 2001 (LP01088).Walnut Park Neighborhood Plan Adopted by the Board of Supervisors on September 24, 1987 with no amendments. Westmont West Athens Neighborhood Plan adopted by the Board of Supervisors on March 15, 1990 with no amendments.
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Los Angeles County Department of Regional Planning
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County of Los Angeles / Department of Regional Planning / GIS Section
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