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This dataset depicts watersheds of Belize. According to Hipolito
Contreras of the Belize Land Information Centre (personal communication
2005), the watersheds of Belize coverage is one of a few base layers
developed by the U.K. Directorate of Overseas Surveys (DOS), based on
the 1:50,000 OS topographic sheets and deposited directly at the Land
Information Centre (LIC) at its inception in 1992. The version presented
here was made public through release of this dataset to the CCAD - the
Central American Commission on Environment & Development.
Data Provided By:
U.K. Directorate of Overseas Surveys
Content date:
not specified
Title: Watersheds of Belize Credits: U.K. Directorate of Overseas Surveys Publication Date: 2005 Publisher: U.K. Directorate of Overseas Surveys Online Linkages:
Other Citation Info: The second edition of this coverage was done by the NARMAP project, to correct for instance, for the southern part of the Sibun River being placed in the Belize River watershed.
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