Mendocino County Boundary

Oct 23, 2014
Uploaded by John Gallo
In late 1996, the Dept of Conservation (DOC) surveyed state and federal agencies about the county boundary coverage they used. As a result, DOC adopted the 1:24, 000 scale Bureau of Reclamation dataset (USGS source) for their Farmland Mapping and Monitoring Program (FMMP) but with several major and minor modifications. Detailed documentation of these changes is provided by FMMP and included as part of the data dictionary.
Data Provided By:
California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (using data from BOR and DOC FMMP)
Content date:
1/1/1997 - 12/31/1997
Contact Organization:
Contact Person(s):
  • FRAP data librarian
Use Constraints:
FRAP disclaimer Read disclaimer within data dictionary supplied when data are downloaded from FRAP site
Layer Type:
Currently Visible Layer:
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Spatial Resolution:
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FGDC Standard Metadata XML
Click here to see the full FGDC XML file that was created in Data Basin for this layer.
Original Metadata XML
Click here to see the full XML file that was originally uploaded with this layer.
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Dataset Type:
Layer Package
Downloaded by 17 Members
Bookmarked by 1 Group
Included in 3 Public Maps

About the Uploader

John Gallo
Senior Scientist with Conservation Biology Institute

Dr. Gallo is an applied scientist with emphases in conservation GIS, decision support systems, and public participation in conservation planning and management, including citizen science. He started his career as an ecologist surveying for endangered species, developing habitat relationship models,...